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Basic Histology: A Color Atlas and Text
V Subhadra Devi MS (Anatomy)

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Publish Year2016
Size8.5" X 11"
Cover TypePaper Back
Weight (Grams) 850
Key Features
The salient features of this book are:

• Simple language and presentation of material in the form of points for ease of understanding, remembering and reproduction by the students who read the subject of histology for the first time.

• Simple illustrations in the form of line diagrams, flow charts and several photographs of histological sections at various magnifications.

• Organization of book in 22 chapters starting with introduction to histology, microscopy and preparation of tissues for microscopy with a smooth transition from one chapter to other.

• Organization of each system in an orderly fashion starting with brief overview or introduction of the system with an illustration representing the whole system and the microscopic sections of importance. This is followed by classification of various components in an easy-to-understand plate showing the gross and histological pictures. Then microscopic structure of each organ and subcomponents of a tissue are presented point-wise for remembering. The hand drawn images of tissues will facilitate the students in drawing in their workbook and in the examination.

• Brief clinical importance of each structure was presented in boxes.

• Details of ultrastructural were provided for some with diagrammatic representations.

• A brief note on development of the various structural components were provided at the end of each chapter.

• For each chapter few multiple choice questions (MCQs) and expected questions in that chapter for revision were given.

• At the end of each chapter for quick review a table with the structure and function for each tissue were provided.

• The tables, charts, developmental aspect and microphotographs at different magnifications for understanding the structure are the important features of this book.
Target Audience
Undergraduate students.

Jay M. Pescatore, BS(Midwestern University Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine)


This book features a detailed overview of human histology consisting of conceptual and histological descriptions of the organ systems.


The purpose is to provide medical and dental student students with a comprehensive book on normal human histology.


Although intended for medical and dental students, the book could be used for students in all medical specialties.


The organization is typical for classic histology textbooks. It begins with a brief introduction to preparation of tissues for histological analysis.
Next, it describes the cell structure and characterizes the four main types of tissues (i.e. epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscular tissue, nervous tissue). A thorough and methodical description of each organ system follows, starting with a description of the general functions of that system. Then, each of its components is characterized. The text is richly illustrated with schematic drawings and well-labeled micrographs. Clinical correlations are included when appropriate and each chapter concludes with information on development of that organ system.


One of the strongest aspects of the book is the consistency in format and approach throughout the chapters, which makes it predictable and easy to read.
The majority of the text is in bullet-point format, making the book concise and focused. Another strong feature is the quality of micrographs -- the images are large and accurately and thoroughly labeled. There are, however, some concepts that are explained and described without an accompanying image, which makes it extremely challenging for students to fully understand the material, especially visual learners. A weakness of the book is the lack of bolded or italicized key words, which may prove problematic for readers trying to understand the essential points. Finally, the hand drawn images are not of good quality and should be replaced. Although there are not many of these, they could be enough to impede a student's understanding of concepts.

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