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Health Promotion for ANM
Rahish Chand Suthar MSc Nursing (Med Surg)

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 Price Rs. 425

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Publish Year2013
Size6.75" X 9.5"
Cover TypePaper Back
Quick Overview
A unique piece of work, fills up the gap of a properly written book on ‘Health Promotion for ANM’ as per the INC syllabus. Among all other books of Health Promotion available in the market, this book is an excellent guide for ANM students, encompasses all the aspects of Health Promotion. This book is your source for the most current, compact and comprehensive knowledge of the subject. Seeing the phenomenal growth of the subject, not only in the minds of the people but also in their attitudes, this book besides being a textbook is also a personal guide to people who have not only given priority to their health but also given it the first place in their lives.
Target Audience
ANM Students.
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