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Clinical Focus Series: Lesions of Sarcoidosis-A Problem Solving Approach
(Late) Om P Sharma MD FRCP Master FCCP
Violeta Mihailovic-Vucinic MD PhD

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Publish Year2014
Size6.5" X 9"
Cover TypePaper Back
Quick Overview
Sarcoidosis is a multisystem granulomatous disease of unknown cause and unpredictable course. Since the first description of the mysterious skin lesions of Lady Mortimer by Jonathan Hutchinson, more than one century ago, sarcoidosis remains a puzzling disease in many aspects. Although remarkable advances in investigations of etiology, pathogenesis, and management of sarcoidosis have been made, it still remains inexplicable in many clinical points.

The book “Lesions of Sarcoidosis: A Problem Solving Approach“ is the last one written by Professor Sharma. His original idea was that this book would be of use not only to pulmonologists and internists, but also for practitioners of other specialists because of multisystem nature of sarcoidosis.

Professor Sharma sincerely hoped that this book should be a picturesque guide for all doctors who ever intended to explore numerous manifestations of this mysterious disease. The main purpose of the book is to provide medical fraternity a comprehensive review of possible clinical presentations of sarcoidosis.
Key Features
The book provides up to date picturesque guidance through many lesions of sarcoidosis. This is a clinical book for trainees, general practitioners, internists, other specialist, and medical students as well. The original idea of the first author, Late Professor Om P Sharma was to create a book with problem solving approach to sarcoidosis.

• Chapters are easily readable, contain explanatory image (s) of the lesions, X-rays/CT films, histological images, table of differential diagnosis, and brief clinical importance

• Chapters are devoted to common lesions of sarcoidosis including erythema nodosum, lupus pernio, facial palsy, heart block, splenomegaly, peripheral lymphadenopathy, hilar adenopathy, hypercalcemia, heart block, and many others

• Each chapter provides practical approach to solve complex puzzles of usual and unusual complications of sarcoidosis-a mysterious multisystem disease

• The description of possible lesions of sarcoidosis provides significant information useful at the bedside of the sarcoidosis patient

• Easy to read narratives consist of definition of the lesion, historical account, clinical and histological description of the lesion, differential diagnosis, and treatment

• Each chapter is enhanced with tables, simple algorithms, and clinical images of the lesions

• The book is unique, the last one Professor Om P Sharma, the renaissance man, wrote.
Target Audience
This is a clinical book for trainees, general practitioners, internists, other specialist, and medical students as well.

K. P. Ravikrishnan, FRCP(C), FACP (William Beaumont Hospitals)


ations of lesions of sarcoidosis is a superb clinical resource. It is dedicated to the late Om P.

Sharma, who had a clear understanding of sarcoidosis, a disease that even today remains enigmatic and often elusive.


ikely one would see all these clinical presentations. Hence, this book is a great resource for learning about these manifestations of sarcoidosis.


Internists and almost all subspecialists in medicine will benefit from this book. Pulmonologists, trainees in pulmonary medicine, residents, and medical students will find it very useful. Dermatologists and rheumatologists who often see extra-pulmonary manifestations of sarcoidosis in their patients also will find this book a useful resource.


The authors compile and classify the lesions of sarcoidosis in a systematic and precise manner. Following a brief introduction to the disease, the book covers the variant and extensive clinical manifestations of sarcoidosis.

Dermatological and pleuropulmonary manifestations of sarcoidosis are described well with superb illustrations. The illustrations, radiographs, and photographs are impressive. The bibliographies at each chapter end are extensive and relevant. After completing the book, clinicians will reaffirm the saying of clinicians of the past: "Sarcoidosis the great mimic."


This book achieves its intended goals very well. It is a superb resource for all pulmonary specialists.

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